Thursday, November 20, 2008

Obama Planning On Staying In Iraq

Obama's honeymoon with press and US citizens might come to an end before the new Prez elect even takes his already broken oath of office. LATimes is reporting on Obama strange new love affair with pro-Iraq war hawks.

The activists are uneasy not only about signs that both Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates could be in the Obama Cabinet, but at reports suggesting that several other short-list candidates for top security posts backed the decision to go to war.

Why is Obama tapping Hillary for Secretary of State? Is Obama planning on keep us in the war in Iraq?

Martin said that his group was concerned about Gates and Clinton as well as Rahm Emanuel, Obama's choice for White House chief of staff. He also said his group was trying to mobilize its grass-roots supporters with e-mail alerts, but recognized that it must approach the subject delicately because of public euphoria over Obama's historic victory.

Whether or not the netroots wants to admit it or not, the FISA Bill flip-flop really did nearly cost Obama the election, and eventually Obama even started to beg McCain not too make fun of his "celebrty status" as all signs pointed the fact that Obama was lossing the election. Newsweek showed at one time, that Obama had a 15 point lead over McCain until Obama broke his oath of office over the of support the FISA wiretapping bill. After the FISA campaign lie, Obama would have lost the election and the only thing that reversed his lossing trend was that the Bush Administration suddenly needed an emergency bailout bill for which McCain was at a loss to deal with having been left of the Bush's loop. Now once again, it is looking like Obama lied about getting out of Iraq, the way he lied about the FISA Bill.

Kevin Martin, executive director of the group Peace Action, need not worry too much about the "public euphoria" once Americans realize they been had again by the second president that sees nothing wrong with mega lying to get elected.

Clinton, who was Obama's chief opponent during the Democratic presidential primaries, appears to be the top candidate for secretary of State in his administration. Speculation about Clinton has dismayed some liberal activists but has cheered some conservatives such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and editor William Kristol of the Weekly Standard.

I bet even James Baker the III, himself wants Hillary for Secretary of State as there are significant reasons why the right-wings folks like Kristol and Kissinger are cheering Sen. Hillary for the job, because just like the Bushies, the Clintons have become big oil advocates too, which means that Obama doesn't seem to mind big oil control over Americans either. That is the type of euphoria that can pop like a housing bubble with the same disastrous results, as it will make a lot of Americans very, very angery. So once again, Obama is going to make the mistake of not caring what a majority of Americans think, just like how that FISA Bill neverly cost Obama the election. Obama doesn't think there is anything wrong with lying.

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